A Rasmussen Reports survey released yesterday found 65 percent of likely voters would prefer to fire every member of Congress and start from scratch.
A whopping 82 percent of Republicans and 78 percent of independents told the pollsters they wanted to give everyone on Capitol Hill the heave-ho.
And despite the Democratic Party being in charge of both the House and the Senate, registered Democrats split on the question -- 44 percent said keep Congress as is and 38 percent said give them all the boot.
The heck with a broom, I want to use something like this:
Only 20 percent of all voters wanted to keep the entire Congress unchanged.Might as well do the job right. Run this puppy right through the Capitol and the office buildings where those rats are hiding.

"If you needed any more confirmation that Washington is perceived as a broken entity by the American people, well, this is it," said National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Ken Spain.
Neither party fared well on the poll's favorability meter: 53 percent of American voters dislike Democrats, and 54 percent dislike Republicans.
Only 61 percent of Republican voters had something nice to say about their party.
Rasmussen said that reflects "the fact that most Republican voters believe their party leaders are out of touch with the base."
I still don't think any politician will know just how pissed off the American people truly are until Tuesday.
I believe you're right Sig. get it? Right.
But I share your opinion. They don't call em the silent majority for nuthin.
And no doubt about the new boom
Kid - Everyone is angry. Dem Reps, Indies - all across the board. Some of the repubbies may in in for a surprise also. Incumbents are out.
Incumbents are definitely Out.
I pray that the Silent Majority tastes the raw meat of victory and enjoys it. Perhaps they'll stop being so damned silent.
This is just the beginning.
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