And I get the sweats and all twitchy-like when I'm stuffed inside an MRI machine for only a few minutes.
It boogles the mind what these men endured as their nation struggled to rescue them.
There is no question that the Chilean rescue involved expert planning, top notch engineering, quality equipment, and the ingenious problem solving of experts from a number of countries around the world. In addition, the miners give appropriate credit to their leaders, who kept them strong emotionally and physically.
Villarroel said, "We had a boss ... every day he would tell us we had to be strong ... we didn't have hope. Strength comes from internal energy and prayer ... I never used to pray, [but] here I learned to pray. I got closer to God."

"the atmosphere underground as being like a church service."
Jimmy Sanchez, one of the outspoken believers, said, "There are actually 34 of us, because God has never left us down here." Ultimately, Villarroel and the other rescued Chilean miners recognized -- as we must all learn to do -- that their fate rested not in human hands or expert plans alone, but in the providence of God. Villarroel surely spoke for the other miners -- many fell to their knees in prayer as they came out of the rescue capsule -- when he thanked God for a second chance at life. Omar Reygadas clutched his Bible as he exited the rescue capsule, and he knelt in prayer when his feet touched ground. His first words were "God Lives." From the first to the last rescued Chilean miner, these 33 men have learned much they can teach us about faith and what is real.

Praise God. Recognize His grace.
What a far cry from the insane utterings and bloody threats of the Mohammadans!
Gratitude and thanksgiving; whatta concept!
I never tire of hearing men praise and glorify God.
Chilean Miners...
Dump Truck...
Comes Pre-assembled.
I like to think of myself as a tuff sumbitch, but I don't know if I coulda went thru that...
Good on ya, mates.
Word Verification - whinsess = What Libtards would have done in this situation.
Star - It is always gratifying to hear men give credit where credit is due. This was a miracle. I take nothing away from the men who worked so hard and so long to free these miners, but it was to this end, that God could be glorified.
Forger - I don't think I could have made it through this. But then again, they did not rely on thor own power. We can only hope to respond as they did in time of need.
I'll bet a lot of folks might be surprised what they are capable of going through.
Anyway, I'm really glad these guys are out of there.
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