Thursday, April 09, 2009

More Lies From The Left

There is a concerted effort by the left to get the government to take over all health insurance. A story has been circulated claiming that 47 million people are at risk because they cannot get health insurance. This is a lie.

The Doug Ross blog sites data derived from the US Census Bureau that debunks this claim and gives a more accurate breakout of Americans, and illegal aliens, who do not have health insurance.

• 9.5 million people are illegal aliens

• 8.3 million uninsured people are those who make between $50,000 and $74,999 per year and choose not to purchase insurance

• 8.7 million uninsured people are those who make over $75,000 a year and choose not to purchase insurance

This leaves approximately 20 million uninsured; less than 7% of the population. Why do some people choose not to purchase insurance? 60 percent reported being in "excellent health or very good health" and purposefully decided not to buy insurance.

Further, 45% of the uninsured will have insurance within the next four months according to the Congressional Budget Office. Many are transitioning between jobs and purchase health insurance through their employers.

Who is pushing this lie? ACORN and the unions. Read Doug's blog to find out how this was uncovered.

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