Tuesday, June 12, 2007


My daughter is finally coming home after almost a year in Cairo, Egypt. Her mama and I are beside ourselves waiting for her. She was going to take another linguistics course this summer and come home at the end of July, but decided that enough is enough. She is homesick and she's bailing out of MohammedWorld and hightailing it back to the States. Her plane arrives tomorrow.

I think the tipping point came when her sister visited her last week in Tel Aviv. Her sister has been to the Middle East TWICE this year to visit her ; once in Cairo this past January and again last week when they vacationed in Israel for ten days. And they talked about her coming home sooner than she had planned.

Israel was such a relief after the stench, pollution and rude arabs of Cairo; both girls enjoyed themselves enormously touring the Holy Land via the inexpensive hostels. The people were friendly, although just a few did not like Americans, but hey, deal with it. And Israel is a garden compared to the lands around it.

Last Friday after dropping her sister off at Tel Aviv, she returned to Cairo by way of an eleven hour bus ride. She decided on the way back that she was going to change her return ticket asap so she could leave the dust of the Pharoahs behind her. And she did. Tomorrow she'll be home with us.

It's like a giant weight off my chest.

She wants, in the following order, her mom's pasta and sauce, meatballs, pork sausage, pork chops, pork tenderloin and babyback ribs.

We're gonna have the Mother of all BBQ's in her honor.

We're gonna call it Death By Pork.

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