Tuesday, February 01, 2011

And So It Begins

I remember the sage advice given that cautions against blogging while angry or drunk. I don't drink anymore and I am not angry; well - at least I am not throwing things against the wall, but I just got notification in the mail that the federal witholding taken out of my pension has increased by over 56%, effective immediately.

I thought that I'd be able for awhile to duck and dodge the Hope 'n Change that I knew would eventually find me. Guess not.


sig94 said...

It was a shocker DeanO. No rhyme or reason given.

USA_Admiral said...

I don't see how anyone with a pulse could justify this sort of action.

Cookie..... said...

Yupper "Sig", got my notification from our pension system a day or so ago and they've increased my witholding almost $60.00 a month!!! Thought it musta been a mistake at first, but Alas, no.

Anonymous said...

This makes a painful ripping of Hussein the Marxist from the Presidency even more important. The traitor has declared war on the nation.

Subvet said...

C'mon, how else will they pay for those reeducation camps? When we're all sitting behind concertina wire eating SPAM & cheese sandwiches you'll be thankful for this.

sig94 said...

Admiral - I don't think they're interested in justifying anything. Just full speed ahead and damn the Tea Partiers'.

sig94 said...

Cookie - I was wondering how hard they hit you, misery loves company, eh?

sig94 said...

Nickie - can't come too soon. The more rippinger the better.

sig94 said...

Subvet- I can't tell you how much I hate Spam. Mystery Meat Inna Can.

Spam is the droppings and drippings of the scrap byproducts of the meat byproducts of the swept up meat debris that flew off the tables when compressed air was used to get the hair off the chickens that got too close to the steers when the sledge hammer was used to stun them. The meat mash scraped off the sledge hammers is used in hot dogs and as electrical insulation.

Kid said...

I guess this would be a bad time to mention that Wall Street just gave out the most bonus money EVER - 135 Billion.

Hey, didn't the Imbecile tell us he wanted to bring Main Street Closer to Wall Street. I guess he meant our butts.

Subvet said...

Sig94, FWIW I've always felt whoever came up with the idea of SPAM had intimate relations with dead people. On a regular basis.

sig94 said...

Kid - and for what? I remember a friend of mone worked as an IT tech. His company cut all the techs' wages for the entire rgion and gave the managers nice bonuses for doing it. Yeah, that worked out well. Try getting your mainframe or point of sale system fixed after that.

sig94 said...

Subvet - for obvious reasons I never thought of that. Not once. Whew... spam, the undead meat.

Kid said...

The bonus money was labeled "This is for screwing the taxpayers who bailed you out. With warm regards, the Imbecile obama."

sig94 said...

My retrirees association jst emailed me; apparently Congress was so late in re-affirming the Bush tax cuts.

"The current six rate brackets of 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33% and 35% will be replaced by five new brackets with the higher rates of 15%, 28%, 31%, 36% and 39.6%. "

We'll see if fed witholding tax in the next check is back at the old level.